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The Sixth Direct Grand Master of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Quan from Shanghai, Republic of China.
Master Li Wei Ming was born on January 9th, 1944 at Suatao City, Canton, People’s Republic of China. He moved to Shanghai to continue his education when he was 12 years old. At the age of 15, while he was studying at Tie Ye Kwang, secondary school, a physical teacher appreciated Master Li’s sincere mind and realized that he had good talent. Despite his long experiences in practicing Yang Style Taichiquan, this physical teacher recommended Master Li to practice Wu (Hao) Style Taichiquan instead. Not long afterwards, the physical teacher introduced Master Li to Grand Master Hao Shaoru who was the very famous 5th Direct Descendant Grand Master of Wu (Hao) Taichiquan of China at that time. Since then, Master Li became a close student of the Grand Master Hao Shaoru at Shanghai Sport Institute until the day the Grand Master Hao Shaoru passed away.
Even in the midst of his tight studying schedule at school, Master Li practiced Wu (Hao) Taichichuan with maximum efforts. Not only did he wake up very early at 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning daily to practice but also practiced hard during the daytime whenever he could. As a result, he could develop his Taichiquan skill rapidly under grand master Hao Shaoru’s close attention. Master Li successfully studied and practiced Wu (Hao) Taichiquan in all aspects such as the complete form, sword, sabre, spear, hands pushing, bare hand fighting, Zenfar, and ultimately the internal strength correctly and accurately, both in the theoretical and practical aspects. Due to his excellent skills, Grand Master Hao Shaoru appointed him to be his teaching assistant since he was only 19 years old.
After having graduated from high school, he continued his education in the Department of Chinese Ancient Medical Program, Shanghai University and became a professional Chinese ancient medicine doctor specializing in all aspects such as Tui Na or Chinese physio-therapy, acupuncture, Chinese herb medicine, etc.
Master Hao Shaoru and His wife and Master Li Wei Ming as adopted son
Master Li Wei Ming had practiced Wu (Hao) Taichiquan with grand master Hao Shaoru closely and continually for a long time. He became well-known among Taichiquan society in China and was regularly invited to perform Wu (Hao) Taichiquan with Grand Master Hao Shaoru in many places that made his relationship with his Master united like the same family.
As Grand Master Hao Shaoru had no son, he and his wife finally adopted Master Li Wei Ming in 1980, with a view to recognizing him as proper descendant just three years before he passed away. Master Li has practiced closely with Grand Master Hao Shaoru for 24 years and was appointed to be 6th Direct Generation Master.
Official teaching assistant Certificate from Grand Master Hao Shaoru. Master Li Wei Ming was promoted after He won many Taichiquan contest events in Shanghai.
Master Li Wei Ming has taught and promoted Wu (Hao) Taichiquan to the public continually. He began his Taichiquan professional career in 1966. Up to now, he has been very successful in training many students, some of whom became Wu (Hao) Taichiquan professional teachers teaching in many countries of the world.
In 1993, Master Li Wei Ming was invited by Mr. Ma Jian Shen, the Chairman of Taichiquan Association of Thailand, to promote Wu (Hao) Taichiquan in Thailand as well as to promote Chinese Medical Treatment Program especially his unique Tui Na method. This exceptional physio-therapy apply Taichi's internal strength to cure several sicknesses in joints, bone, muscle, tendon, etc. effectively. His special Tui Na therapy is now widely accepted.
At the moment, Master Li Wei Ming lives in Thailand teaching Wu (Hao) Taichiquan to his students and also looks after his patients who need and prefer Chinese Ancient Medical Treatment. He has many exceptional track records of his successful treatments and has become widely accepted as evidenced by his appearance in several local newspapers on many occasions.
Master Li Wei Ming's important recognitions are as follows
1. The Sixth Direct Master of Wu (Hao) Taichiquan, a recognized descendant from Master Hao Saoru
2. The Principal of Wu (Hao) Taichiquan for Physical Treatment Research Association
3. Honorable advisor in Wu (Hao) Taichiquan Association of Shanghai University
4. Honorable President of Shanghai Qigong Physical Treatment Institution
5. President of the Qi Healing Research Institution of Wu (Hao) Taichiquan
6. Manager of Orthopaedics division of The Physical Treatment Hospital “ Yang Jer Jeang” in Shanghai.
During his time of Wu (Hao) Taichichuan teaching, Master Li Wei Ming has promoted Wu (Hao) Taichiquan in Thailand for both health and Martial Art purposes. He also practices physical treatment using “Qi”, his tui-na knowledge as physio-therapy and orthopaedics. He established Wu (Hao) Taichiquan Association of Thailand in the year 2000 and was elected to be the lifetime honorable Chairman of the Association. This Association is aimed to be a center for promotion of his Wu (Hao) Taichiquan to other areas in the future.