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Hao Weizhen (1849-1920) His first name was He when he was born, but was also known as Weizhen. He lived in the West Street, Yongnian County, Guangfu City, Hebei Province. Hao Weizhen was a well-built but gentle, honest and sincere person. In his childhood, he could outsmart all other kids and loved studying as well as practicing martial arts. In the very beginning, he practiced Shaolin styles but he found that it was not truly effective and not of a high level art. Therefore, he switched to practice Taichi boxing with Li Yishe instead. He had since then practiced Taichiquan enthusiastically for more than 20 years and gained deeply thorough understanding in the martial arts. Being very much admired by his master Li Yishe, he honorably received the Taichi book which was handwritten by Li Yishe. The book written by Wu Yuxiang and Li Yishi was short and precise but still complete in its meaning and coverage. The postures looked so simple from the outside but had tremendous secret power hidden and could be unleashed from the inside. Important concepts can be explained only by detailed demonstration made in person and are impossible for practitioners to comprehend otherwise. Most people fail to know the secrets that were hidden inside. Only Hao Weizhen received these secrets. Li Yishe realized that Hao Weizhen had respect, believed in his teaching as well as had good personality and honesty. He, therefore, took Hao Weizhen as his prominent disciple for his martial art.
After Li Yishe passed away, Hao Weizhen was invited to teach martial arts to lots of people. His martial art skill was at a very high level, like a hand of an angel. Whenever he lifted and moved his hands or feet, it would be all effective. The subtlety and sophistication as well as effectiveness are indescribable by words alone. He was praised during his time far and wide.
Lots of people came from everywhere to study martial arts from Hao Weizhen. It is at this point of time that Wu (Hao) style Taichiquan which was invented by Wu Yuxiang began to vastly spread out and become well-known. The Wu (Hao) Taichiquan had set root firmly and were highly promoted during these 30 years. Hao Weizhen also wrote "Critics of Taichiquan Practice".
Hao Weizhen had many students during his lifetime. His important disciples other than his second son, Wengui (Yueru), were Sun Lutang (1861-1932), Li Xiangyuan (1889-1961) and the second son of Li Yishe named Li Xunzhi (1882- 1944). Li Yishe died when Li Xunzhi was only 8-9 years old. Hao Weizhen taught most of his martial skills. As there were many students studying Wu (Hao) Taichiquan from Hao Weizhen, it was him who did a great job in introducing the style to the world.
Hao Weizhen had four children. The eldest son was Wenqin, also known as Jingyuan, the second son was Wengui also known as Yueru (he was the son of the first wife who had the original surname Su), the third son was Wentian also known as Yangeng, and finally the fourth was Wenlin also known as Zhuxian, the child of the second wife with the original surname Wang. Only the second child Wengui and the third child Wentian could receive the family martial arts. However, Wengui had the best skill of all.