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Hao Yueru (1877-1935) His name at birth was Wengui, but was later also known as Hao Yueru. He lived in the West Street, Yongnian County, Guangfu City, Hebei Province. He was the second son of Hao Weizhen. He practiced martial art with his father since he was young. Later on he studied literature with Li Yishe who was his grand master and often watched his grand master practice martial arts. He also often listened to his grand master explaining the principle of Taichi. Watching and listening to his grand master repeatedly while being taught by his father carefully and closely for many years benefited him immensely. After practicing hard, his martial art skills got to a very high level and finally became one of the grand master levels.
During his middle age, Hao Yueru made his living as a trader. After Hao Weizhen passed away, the Yongnian Secondary school invited Hao Yueru to teach Wu (Hao) style Taichiquan at the school.
In 1928, he became the Master of Guoshuguan, a Chinese martial arts camp, in Yongnian county. In 1930, he was invited to teach Wu (Hao) Taichi in many government units such as the Supreme Court of Nanjing City, the Budget Ministry (Later was changed to the Finance Ministry), Zhongyang University, etc. In August 1935, Yueru fell sick and died in Nanjing City.
Hao Yueru was very talented in both martial arts skills and the theory of Taichi. Using his real experiences in fighting and his academic knowledge, he wrote many books such as the Important Points of Wu (Hao) Taichiquan, the Form and the Hands Pushing of Wu (Hao) Taichiquan, 15 methods of Hand Pushing, and The experiences of Hao Yueru. They could all be considered as the improved foundations of the Taichi Theory. They were all popular among all the Taichi practitioners.